EdTech… The Big Squeeze In The Classroom?

Educational institutions today are especially challenged with providing relevant curriculum in a world of constantly changing technology.   With technology developing and evolving literally each week, professors of higher learning are being squeezed… between what they are teaching and what students need to know upon graduation and what skills business are hiring for.

Reality Check:  The accelerated speed of telecom evolution will only speed up with the introduction of Artificial Intelligence.

Currently in the U.S. today…

  • There are 5.9 million jobs in the tech sector
  • There are 350,000 tech jobs that are open
  • 65,000 students graduate with a computer tech degree each year
  • 4.4% of the total U.S. workforce is in the Tech sector
  • Tech jobs are high paying jobs with the average around: $215,000

Navigating The Challenges Facing Telecom Research Labs

Educational telecom research labs serve as crucial hubs where theoretical knowledge meets practical application in the dynamic field of telecommunications. These labs play a pivotal role in preparing students for careers in an industry that constantly evolves with technological advancements. However, running and maintaining an effective educational telecom research lab comes with its share of challenges. Addressing these challenges is essential to ensuring these labs remain at the forefront of innovation and provide students with a robust learning experience.


  • Funding constraints
  • Recruitment and retention of skilled staff
  • Curriculum alignment with industry needs
  • Integrating interdisciplinary research
  • Regulatory and ethical considerations
  • Balancing teaching and research priorities
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Testing & Measuring Your Network Just Got Smarter

Why Valid8

Creating Valuable Real-World Connections & Experience

With Valid8, you will:

  • Set up User Equipment (UE) devices including phones, routers, IoT devices
  • Set up RAN, Virtual Core and IMS & MCX Networks
  • Set up monitoring probes
  • Understand the security and performance differences between network generations
  • Run test scenarios in real-time simulating positive and negative test cases
  • Review, analyze and understand the results
  • Create different scenarios to test any network component

Valid8 In the News

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The Next Frontier: Welcome to the Digital Twin Revolution in Testing Technology

Advancements in technology occur virtually each week, some are small adjustments, others, large, resource-intensive upgrades.  It becomes mission critical for business and organizations to stay current, effectively manage new tech, maintain security and  the interoperability of networks.  Digital Twin Technology answers that call.

"Our goal was to create a secure environment for business and organizations that would provide a quick and easy replication of their unique environment.  A place where they could explore and test virtually unlimited network possibilities.  All before any equipment purchase." - Ian Carpenter, CEO Valid8 -

Valid8 Digital Twin Provides:

  • Insight - into intricate network relationships and the impact of new tech
  • Preparation Time - anticipate for upgrades and changes
  • Scalability - ensure that as networks grow so does network infrastructure
  • Stability - understand and prepare for stability issues due to new tech or network expansion
  • Testing & Validation - ensure that network performs as planned before it goes live

As the telecommunications industry moves towards more complex 5G and future 6G networks, the role of digital twins will become increasingly critical in ensuring seamless and efficient operations.

Solution Options

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